
BigBox Hobbies Inc.

About Us

BigBox Hobbies was created by enthusiastic collectors who are also computer programmers and web development experts. With over 50 years of experience and expertise in the realm of coin collecting, numismatics, rocks, comics, cards, we know what our hobbyists want when it comes to optimizing their search for relics and novelties. One of our philosophies is to make this site as simple, organized and easy to use as possible. That means organizing items for sale so that inquirers can locate any stamp, coin, rock, comic or card with merely one click from our homepage. Our idea to create this site has been in the making for years and has benefitted from the input of many collectors and sellers. Development then began, and this site launched shortly after on March 1st, 2021.

BigBox Hobbies currently consists of five divisions and marketplaces as follows:

We strive to breathe life into a marketplace atmosphere for buyers and sellers on the site. Members can view collections from other members and access their entire "Store" by viewing their personal page, consisting of their sales inventory, auctions, wishlist and personal collection. We know this feature is useful if you are a dealer, or if you want to quickly access / display your inventory over the internet on a single webpage.

This site charges no fees for dealers to put their items up for sale in a regular "Buy Now" format, where you can display your items indefinitely in a virtual "store front". Dealers or regular collectors can sell items and supplies in auctions as well, ranging from durations between 1 day and 1 month with no listing fees. We do charge a maximum 2% final value fee (not including any PayPal fees) which will support our overhead, administration and maintenance costs. That means we make money only when you do.


There is a huge difference between other e-commerce platforms and our site. Firstly, other e-commerce sites regularly charge several flat listing fees and listing upgrade fees, whether your product gets sold or not. In some cases, if your product does get sold, their final value fees can reach 9% or more, on top of all the other fees. This erodes significant profits for dealers and sellers, and also adds the risk that you may lose money if your product does not sell. Consequently, in order for sellers to profit, the buyer usually has to pay more money to cover the fees, even if the sellers do not want to do this. Everyone loses with high fees, and we feel the pain that other buyers and sellers feel.

Another major difference at BigBox Hobbies is the laser-targeted marketing potential and specialization for each individual hobby. Our site is designed so that you can choose to list your product in multiple fashions. For instance, you can choose to list items by year / country of origin, by price, by description, by time listed, by time ending for auctions etc. Our sites are also designed so that you can choose to list your product under a specific page. This is useful because your auctions and "for sale" listings will allow buyers to easily find your items through search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Your items will be cataloged right onto a page where a targeted audience will find exactly what they were looking to buy. Essentially, we are providing free advertising and web traffic that may not be available to you on other platforms. It is a cost-free opportunity to get your sales inventory listed on a frequently trafficked page, and it is our belief that this is highly beneficial to you as a dealer.

This is a mere snapshot of the many advantages to buying and selling collectibles with BigBox Hobbies. We encourage you to explore our website today, and reap the rewards from doing business with us. If you have any questions, please visit our Contact Us or Staff page and we would be happy to assist you.